Friday, 15 October 2010

Land Rover Defender Rear GAS Shock absorbers MONROE.

A Pair of Heavy Duty MONROE  Rear Gas Shock absorbers

Standard height - To fit

Defender 110 models

From chassis (VIN) HA478285 to MA967602

Equivalent to Part No`s. STC2855 - STC3771

£84.99 - postage £7.50 UK mainland

  Overseas Shipping Charges Inc Scottish Highlands and UK Offshore Islands

£15.50 - Scottish Highlands & UK Offshore Islands
£16.00 - France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Ireland (South), Luxembourg
£19.00 - Austria, Denmark, Switzerland
£19.50 - Portugal (Subject to postcode)
£21.00 - Czech, Italy, Spain, Slovakia
£23.50 - Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia
£29.50 - Estonia

Please contact us for any further details or parts enquiries Our ebay shop contains just a small part of our stock. We can supply parts and accessories for all Land Rovers - We combine shipping costs on multiple parts orders all orders are weighed together and sent by the most economic service.

Website ( not mobile ) - more info  Tel 01728 604 615


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